The film plot According to The Irish Film Television Network
"'Ms. Mansfield and Me’ tells the story of two brothers attempting to set up a five-star hotel in Tralee during the controversial Jayne Mansfield-debate in 1967. The Hollywood starlet’s scheduled cabaret appearance was cancelled due to the outrage of a local parish priest who persuaded residents of Tralee to rally around him."
If you ask me it sounds a little bit like the Mansfield version of 'My week with Marilyn' as in rather than a story about Jayne it is a small event in her life. I assume most of the story will be fiction but it seems like there may be some facts squeezed into the script too.
The script sounds interesting and unlike the upcoming "Jayne Mansfield's Car" this movie actually has something to do with Jayne. The progress of this movie I think is definitely something to keep an eye on.
Footage of Jayne in Tralee